Ana Barriga
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about the ARTIST

Ana Barriga's (Jerez, 1986) work tries to review figurative painting through the photographic image, placing us in the paths taken by this medium, focusing on the new pictorial trends that emerged in the late twentieth century.

In her work she tries to find the balance between reason and emotion, two apparently contradictory territories that, when they rub against each other, generate a type of energy that interests her. She tries to move in the realm of playfulness, a place shared by artists and children, where prejudices are abandoned and the most unexpected part of us comes to the surface. Humor, play or irony are ways of positioning ourselves before reality in a different and unexpected way, of breaking common patterns. This gives rise to unpredictable situations that are fresh and attractive to us because they do not conform to pre-established models.

The game is very important both in her work and in her way of working, and that idea is evident in three main areas. In the elements represented: most of them are children's pieces, decorative objects or everyday objects, as well as in the way he treats and configures those elements: paints, breaks, mutilates, assembles or composes them in this or that way, as if we were playing with them, and also in the way she faces a piece: tests, erases, repaints, modifies and even intervenes with spray paint as if it were an act of vandalism towards her own painting.

ANA BARRIGA Jerez, 10.09.84

Master of Art: Idea and Production, 2014/15
Degree in Fine Arts, from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Seville. 2014Higher Technical Diploma in Applying Art to Stone, Seville, 2009Higher Technical Diploma in Furniture Design, Cádiz, 2005Technical Diploma in Artistic Woodwork, Jerez de la Frontera, 2002

Awards and Scholarships

2019 SCAN Residency, LondonFACBA, University of Granada

Daniel Vázquez Díaz, Huelva
Radical Residency, Gallery Unit 1, London
Canal Sur radio Public Award, Canal Sur radio, Andalusia

2018 Residencia Void projects, Miami
Generations, Montemadrid Foundation, La Casa Encendida, Madrid19th National Painting Competition, Paul Ricard, Seville

2017 DKV Award, Estampa Art Fair, T0 Gallery, Madrid
International Painting Prize, Focus Foundation, Seville
23rd University of Seville Plastic Arts Competition, CICUS, Seville

2016 Paul Ricard Painting Prize in 12th edition of Accésit, SevilleTorremolinos EMERGENT grant, Malaga
Second Prize in 'Malaga Crea', Malaga CAC
Accésit city of Algemesí, Valencia

2016 Creadores Programme. La Térmica, Malaga
2015 City of Utrera National Contemporary Art Competition. Casa de la Cultura [CulturalCentre]

42nd International Landscape Competition. Alcalá de Guadaira, Seville

Seville is Talent grant. ICAS, Seville
2014 Art Department Collaboration Grant. Faculty of Fine Arts of Seville

Award 16th D. Mécia Contemporary Art Exhibition. Cordoba
Prize UNIA National Painting Competition. Casa de la Cultura [Cultural Centre]. HuelvaPrize in City of Utrera National Contemporary Art Competition. Casa de la

2013 Iniciarte Grant. Exhibition project in Kastelar Exhibition Room, Seville

Acquisition Award University of Seville Plastic Arts Competition, CICUS, Seville66th José Arpa National Painting Prize, Carmona City Council

Urban Projects

2020 BMural, Barcelona
2019 Intramuros Festival, Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz2017 Truck Art Project, Palibex Madrid

Mural, 5th Anniversary of Palibex, MadridFresh Walls, Somo, Santander

Solo Exhibitions

2020 I LEARN THE MERENGUE, Affenfaust Gallery, Hamburg
2020 MANÍ, Kristin Hjeldelger, London
2019 DE ANIMALES A DIOSES [FROM ANIMALS TO GODS], Andalusian Contemporary ArtCentre, Seville
2018 UNA VEZ EN LA VIDA [ONCE IN A LIFETIME], T20 Gallery, Murcia
2017 NI TRONO NI REINA [NEITHER THRONE NOR QUEEN], Yusto Giner Gallery, Malaga
2015 El HOMBRE Y LA MADERA [MAN AND WOOD]. Birimbao Gallery Seville
2014 CAMPAÑA DE COSMÉTICOS [COSMETICS CAMPAIGN] D. Mencia Contemporary ArtExhibition


2020 ARCO, T20 Gallery, Madrid
URVANITY, Yusto Giner Gallery, Madrid

2019 ARCO, T20 Gallery, MadridSWAB, T20 Gallery, Barcelona

ESTAMPA, Yusto Giner Gallery, Madrid

MACO, Yusto Giner Gallery, Mexico2018 ARCO, T20 Gallery, Madrid

MACO, Yusto Giner Gallery, Mexico
ESTAMPA, T20 Gallery, Madrid
ESTAMPA, Yusto Giner Gallery, Madrid
ARTE SANTANDER, Yusto Giner Gallery, Santander

2017 ARCO, ABC, Cadáver exquisito [Beautiful Corpse], Madrid2016 ESTAMPA, Yusto Giner Gallery, Malaga

ARTE SANTANDER, Yusto Giner Gallery, Malaga
2015 SANTANDER ART, Espai Tactel Gallery, Valencia. Madrid

CASA LEIBNIZ, Espai Tactel Gallery, Valencia. Madrid

Work in collections

Andalusian Contemporary Art Centre, Seville. Canary Foundation for the Development ofPainting, Canary Islands DKV Collection. Antequera City Council, Malaga. FocusFoundation-Abengoa, Seville. CICUS, University of Seville, Seville. Malagacrea, Malaga CityCouncil, Malaga.. Torremolinos Town Council, Malaga. La Térmica. Malaga. Contemporary ArtCentre, Malaga. Alcalá de Guadaira Town Council, Seville. Doña Mencía Town Council, Cordoba.Zafra Museum, Cordoba. CICUS, University of Seville, Seville, Jerez City Council, Jerez. GrúasLozano, Seville, Utrera City Council, Seville.


2020 Bendito Milagro Painting, Fashion Design and Showcase Day, Art School, Cadiz 2019Programa Chimenea [Fireplace Program], La Casa Encendida, Madrid

Painting Progress, Online Contemporary Painting Conference I
Busca y Captura [Search and Capture], Priego de Córdoba, University of Seville

Recorridos [Journeys], IES La Granja, Jerez de la Frontera, Cadiz.2018 La presencia de la mujer en el mercado del arte contemporáneo

[Women's presence in the contemporary art market], Melilla
2015 Saturation in three Acts, SCAN, La Carolina, Jaen
2013 Panel de Control-pintura fragmentada [Control Panel - shattered painting], Master ofArt: Idea and Creation, University of Seville

Joint Exhibitions

2020 Dream Markers, Padre Gallery, New York
El espectáculo debe continuar [The show must go on], Birimbao Gallery, SevilleCuarentena [Quarantine], SC Gallery, Bilbao

2019 Tapia [Wall], BMural, Barcelona
Knotenpunk Festival, Affenfaust Gallery, Hamburg

A la manera de... [Just like...] Rafael Ortiz Gallery, SevilleTodas [Everyone]. Andalusian contemporary artists, Malaga

2018 Universes, Imola, Italy
2017 Ensoñaciones [Daydreams], SC Gallery, Bilbao

El aire que nos llega [The air we breathe], Birimbao Gallery, Seville

2016 14th Gas Natura Fenosa Art Exhibition, MAC, A CoruñaCREADORES 2016, La Térmica, Malaga
De la pintura [From painting], EL SUR, MAD AntequeraParaísos Artificiales [Artificial Paradises], Las Naves, ValenciaMalaga Crea, Málaga CAC

Painting Prize, City of Algemesí, Valencia
Gramática y bricolaje [Grammar and DIY], Yusto Giner, Malaga

2015 Neighbour III, CAC, Contemporary Art Centre, MalagaBeauty, MAD, Antequera

Incompletudes [Incomplete]. Espai Tactel Gallery, Valencia
Casa Leibniz, Palacio Santa Bárbara, Madrid
On Color, New Spanish Contemporary Painting. SCAN. 123 Pop-up Gallery in Brick Lane.London

2014 XVI OPEN CALL, Luis Adelantado Gallery, Valencia10th Painting Prize Paul Ricard Art Club, Seville45th City of Alcalá Prize. Alcalá de Henares. MadridValdepeñas Plastic Arts, Valdepeñas

7th painting prize, Huelva
67th National Art Competition I, JOSÉ ARPA National Painting Prize. Cadiz
City of Utrera National Contemporary Art Competition, Exhibition Room in the Casa dela Cultura [Cultural Centre]. Seville
Miradas de mujer [Through the eyes of a woman], La Caja China Contemporary Art Gallery, Seville

2013 9th Painting Prize PAUL RICARD Art Club, Seville
15th International CEC Plastic Arts Competition, Cadiz
Focus-Abengoa Plastic Arts Competition, Hospital de los Venerables, SevilleUniversity of Seville Plastic Arts Competition, CICUS, Seville
66th National Art Competition I JOSÉ ARPA National Painting Prize
Santa Clara,
Zafra Museum. Jaén

2012 Que Vienen Los Bárbaros [The Barbarians are Coming], CAS, Seville Arts CentreZ. Art Days. Montalban, Cordoba

City of Utrera National Contemporary Art Competition ARTE. Exhibition Room in theCasa de la Cultura [Cultural Centre]. Seville

2011 Expresión Joven [Young Expression], Paul Exhibition Room, Jerez de la Frontera
3rd edition of IKAS-ART, International University Art Exhibition. Bilbao Exhibition Centre,Barakaldo*
13th Grúas Lozano Painting Competition, Cajasol Exhibition Room, Seville
8th Painting Prize Paul Ricard Art Club, Seville
13th CEC International Plastic Arts Competition, Cadiz
¿Quién teme al rojo, amarillo y azul? [Who is afraid of red, yellow and blue?],Aparejadores Foundation, Seville
Me & My Friends, El Butrón Exhibition Room, Seville, commissioned by Jesús Reina
Las mil y una historias [One thousand and one stories], Murnau Art Gallery, Seville
City of Utrera National Contemporary Art Competition ARTE. Exhibition Room in theCasa de la Cultura [Cultural Centre]. Seville
8th Juan Roldan National Painting Competition. Seville

2010 University of Seville Plastic Arts Competition, CICUS, Seville, Grúas Lozano PaintingCompetition, Cajasol Exhibition Room, Seville
12th Grúas Lozano Painting Competition, Cajasol Exhibition Room, Seville
Vigencia y actualidad del dibujo III [Validity and Topicality], Casa de la provincia, SevilleLibro de Artista [Artist Book], Complutense Library, Madrid

City of Utrera National Contemporary Art Competition ARTE. Exhibition Room in theCasa de la Cultura [Cultural Centre]. Sevilla


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