November 21, 2022
Adam Handler: reconciling with death through ghost paintings
Paula Latiegui

Adam Handler (1986) was born in Queens NY and grew up on Long Island. As a young child and adolescent, he spent countless hours at his grandparents' framing factory in NYC. Handler is the author of the UFO Ghost paintings.

Adam Handler (1986) was born in Queens NY and grew up on Long Island. As a young child and adolescent, he spent countless hours at his grandparents' framing factory in New York City. There, his passion for the arts grew and it became inevitable that he would discover the many possibilities of art. Handler studied Life Drawing in Italy and graduated from Purchase College with a degree in Art History. He has also studied craft design with Jorge Nieves and printing color photography with Debra Mesa-Pelly.

As a young child and adolescent, he spent countless hours at his grandparents' framing factory in New York City.
Adam Handler in his studio in NYC. © ADAM HANDLER

Handler achieves his signature childlike style avoiding the traditional painting technique with materials such as acrylic paint, oil sticks, pencils and markers. Something else that characterizes the artist are the protagonists of his paintings: women, tulips, bats and ghosts, sometimes accompanied by humorous quotes from everyday life.

Something else that characterizes the artist are the protagonists of his paintings: women, tulips, bats and ghosts.

The artist is the author of the UFO Ghost abduction paintings. This series addresses the interest in mortality and dealing with loss through ghosts, creatures that normally provoke fear but in Handler’s hands awaken tenderness in those who look at them. In the artist’s own words “Creating a friendly relationship with death has been a cathartic experience which lends to the works bright and non-threatening nature”.

“Creating a friendly relationship with death has been a cathartic experience which lends to the works bright and non-threatening nature” — Adam Handler
Adam Handler's studio in winter. © ADAM HANDLER

Handler has exhibited all round the world. His work has also been shown extensively at major art fairs which include. In addition, Handler’s work has been included in numerous collective exhibitions throughout the United States, Canada, Middle East, Asia and Europe.