February 9, 2023
The art of capturing the splendor of the night by Guillermo Lorca
Paula Latiegui

The exhibition "El esplendor de la noche" by Guillermo Lorca, a perfect combination of renaissance and rawness, can be visited at Moco Museum Barcelona during 2023

The first solo exhibition in Europe of the artist Guillermo Lorca "Esplendor de la noche" can be visited during 2023 at the Moco Museum Barcelona.

Lorca encourages us to ask, "will she be safe or will she be transported to safety?"

This exhibition immerses the viewer in a classic atmosphere and at the same time is full of disturbing details. For example, "Las Jardineritas" confronts a massacre between colossal felines and other beasts. The image of a little girl playing innocently among pools of blood surrounded by that war stands out; "it's magical," Lorca says. The girl contrasts with another girl soaring on the wings of a huge butterfly. Lorca encourages us to ask ourselves, "Will she be safe or will she be transported to safety?"

Guillermo Lorca, "Las Jardineritas", 2021. Oil on canvas, 200 x 400 cm. Photo: Guillermo Lorca.

About the exhibition "El Esplendor de la Noche" (The splendor of the night), Lorca says that the name comes from his creative habits, as most of his paintings are done in the stillness and tranquility of the night. The exhibition in Barcelona has meant a special joy for him, because as well as being able to get to know the city better, "it makes him feel proud, he feels that he has come a long way" in his career, and implies that his effort "has been worthwhile".

Guillermo Lorca "The Empress", 2020-2021. Oil on canvas, 300 x 480 cm. Photo: Moco Museum

"The selection of the paintings was about which ones could best dialogue with each other in order to create an enveloping sensation, so the exhibition isn't indifferent to anyone, but rather touch different heartstrings. The exhibition speaks of violence, nature, tenderness, eroticism and even love in some places. There are various themes and deep incursions that I try to touch through different symbolic elements," says Lorca. 

Lorca's clearly unique style comes from the study of the great masters of classical painting such as Rembrandt and Velázquez, as well as Renaissance and Baroque artists

Lorca's clearly unique style comes from the study of the great masters of classical painting such as Rembrandt and Velázquez, as well as Renaissance and Baroque artists. Lorca combines surrealism and the darkness of contemporary fantasy to create scenes of seductive luxury and raw violence.

Guillermo Lorca "The Healer", 2021. Oil on canvas, 180 x 300 cm. Photo: Guillermo Lorca


Moco Museum, located in Amsterdam, opened its second branch in Barcelona on October 16th, 2021 with the commitment to exhibit iconic works by internationally known and up-and-coming artists. There you will find the works of Guillermo Lorca, the prominent national painter who began to gain prominence in Chile after the works "Faces of the Bicentenary" (2010), in the Baquedano Metro station in Santiago.